First Link (UK) Ltd.
Custom Manufacture
Custom Manufacture

Many of our established products are of interest to biology and health care researchers, especially those handling mammalian cells in culture, and to diagnostic and pathology laboratories. We manufacture a number of unique products, such as a low PDGF serum (Plasma Derived Bovine Serum) for placental and blood brain barrier investigations, a Collagen type I solution for making three-dimensional gels containing mammalian cells, and ECGS for investigating neovascularisation, amongst many others.

We also offer a custom manufacturing service to other companies in the diagnostics and biochemical sectors, either to produce intermediate reagents or finished branded products. Please feel free to consider this product list as a jumping off point to using our contract manufacturing service: the product list represents a fragment of our output, and we are enthusiastic and experienced in the preparation of customer-defined materials to clear deadlines.

Our scope includes:

  • Sourcing of raw materials from farmed, laboratory and exotic species, from defined international animal and plant health status origins and from highly defined human donors
  • Culture of non-pathogenic source organisms
  • Custom dissection and maceration
  • Extensive low temperature storage from -85°C, -20°C to +4°C
  • Centrifugation, both batch and continuous
  • Liquid Chromatography e.g. up to 90lt Ion Exchange
  • Diafiltration and dialysis
  • Preparative electrophoresis
  • Solvent extraction, and precipitation
  • Lyophilisation and vial closure under modified atmosphere
  • Weighing to 5 decimal places
  • Aseptic terminal filtration
  • Customer defined packaging
  • Wide range of quality control procedures
  • Documentation to suit your own in-house practices

And most importantly, you will interact with the biochemist and biologist working for you, allowing direct communication.

If we can be of service, please contact us.

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